Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HYPE: Blurr Rhythm

In flash we created some cool interesting effects with an image that traced or created. The butterfly is censored to the touch of the mouse. So wherever you move your mouse on the window the butterfly image follows. This is the type of effect it makes. Pretty cool huh?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

obsoletedesigns is my website and this is the pre-production of it! everything is up and running the only thing that needs to be fixed is the portfolio page! so keep checking for updates!

Eros Design

Making the Eros design was not easy but my partner and I completed it nicely! being able to be creative with this assignment gave me the opportunity to create coffee bags and tea slips for the Eros. This is what we made out of it!

before the making of Eros:

Iphone app and mockups

Android App - Locus Designs

Here is the Application we were instructed to make for the Android. Locus is designed to help android users on quick and easy access to finding a location near you. If you are struggling to find a restaurant, shop, events, movies, fuel pumps etc, you can easily sign in or make an account to view any of your favourite locations. Also, you are able to save and scan Q-codes if the participating stores have them available to be updated with news, events, promotions and coupons. Also with the android button, in the map screen, you can click to see where other android have been and see their recommend comments and ratings. Locus helps you get to your destinations if you are driving, walking or taking the transit. This application will take you to where ever you need to be. Check out the design concepts and screen shots.

Locus Android Application

How it all began. . .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Inclass Mockup up Design: Hub

in our DMa500 class we designed a mockup for a company Hub check out the design below:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DMA234 - Photo Editing Filters

In Class today we learned how to photo edit and use filters to edit photos.
Here is a small sample of what I did.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DMA500 - Revised Client Mock ups

So Here are my Revise Client Mock ups. They took me a while to finalize but here they are.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Client Mock Up Sites

For the dma500 class we were asked to choose 5 clients and out of the 5 our instructor was to chose 2. I then made two mock up sites for 2 clients : Mini Cooper and the Tapout Store websites.
Have a look at what I have created:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In Todays DMA234 we were instructed to create banners for a TV show called 24. Im sure you have all heard this show. Check out the different dimensions and layout. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

samsung phone rotation cycle

This was an old project we did in the dma234 class, we had to take the samsung phone clear out the stands that were holding the phone in place and make the background white, make it a clean image. I did it successfully and also made it look like as if it was opening and going through a full rotation. check it out.

Note to Self..

So I learned a valuable lesson, that everyone should be aware of..
Im sure all of you have come across someone you know that this situation happens to..
oh you know, always make sure you back-up all your files just in case something happens to either your usb, emails, or laptops, computers, incase they somehow magically delete.

Well that same thing happened to me when I was in class on friday, In my DMA class we had just finished an inclass assignment that was just completed when it all happened..

I was tranfering a file to one of my group members when ejecting our usbs, I headed over to my next group member to transfer the same file to his usb when he told me that there was nothing in my usb..

my world just went through a weird spill.. I was seeing colours and my face was flushed. I couldn't believe the words that was coming out of his mouth so i told him to eject it and i went back to the computer i was on, checked for myself, and he was telling the truth.

I ran to the library thinking maybe its just because it is a mac, hoping that my luck was going to be cured when i put my usb in a pc... but nothing. I walked out of campus got on a bus and went home. Trying to find a software to restore any of my files on my usb.

Everything was gone, all my work, all my hard work, I was so upset, so angry, so dissapointed in myself. Now I have learned a valuable lesson, Always Backup your files! . . ah sigh

Reading week has been deLIGhtfUl! .. not! I was going to put all my work live on my website but now that everything is gone.. um hello!? how can that be done! so I spent reading week doing all my work over. GreaT! yeah how is that supposed to be relaxing! ..

Well, Lesson Learn and that note is for every body!

Backup your files for you dont know when you will lose them all..


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Artistic Painting in photoshop

pirahna photoshop painting :)
this was a pretty cool concept of what we are doing during class.
Thought i would take a screen shot of what i was doing while creating this awesome picture.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

cr(eight)iv website mock ups

version 1
version 2
version 3

Here are my mockup sites for the dma500 class for our cr(eight)iv.ca site.

Bonefish art gallery Mock up

This is my idea for the BoneFish Art Gallery mock ups. woohoo.

Stamp Design.

The first image is a stamp found online and the second is a stamp transformed into our own. I used the photo that we used during class for our tutorial on actions.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A couple images we did in class where we learned our to blend layer modes on to different layers, How to make images more sharpened and brighter and how to add a subject into a different photo to make it look like one and also our very own button. Yay. here are some examples.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



here are a couple things we created today in our dma234 class .. pretty awesome :)
I love venom and had really fun creating this photo

DMA234 _

Hello There,
So Today in the DMA234 class we were intructed to recreate the illusion that the sprint phone had an actual menu on the screen. Here is how it all turned out!

FUN :)